🚨Removing Exposure to renBTC
Below are the recommended ways Badger users can remove exposure to renBTC
ibBTC Holders:
Holders of wrapped ibBTC can swap out to wBTC using the following Curve LP pool. https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/factory-v2-60/deposit
Holders of naked ibBTC can redeem their tokens for the underlying bcrvRenWBTC pool tokens using the Badger app and continue to withdraw their vault position from the corresponding renBTC/wBTC.
Redeem ibBTC: https://app.badger.com/ibBTC?chain=ethereum
Withdraw from LP Vault: https://app.badger.com/vault/convex-renbtc-wbtc-1?chain=ethereum
Once withdrawn, users can return to Curve to withdraw their assets into wBTC.
ibBTC/crvsBTC and renBTC/wBTC LP Vault Depositors:
Depositors will first need to withdraw from the following Badger LP vaults...
ibBTC/crvsBTC: https://app.badger.com/vault/convex-ibbtc-crvsbtc?chain=ethereum renBTC/wBTC: https://app.badger.com/vault/convex-renbtc-wbtc-1?chain=ethereum
Once withdrawn, users can return to the corresponding Curve LP’s and withdraw their assets into wBTC.
ibBTC/crvsBTC: https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/factory-v2-60/deposit
renBTC/wBTC: https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/ren/deposit
Last updated